Why should brands consider podcasting?

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At Everything Podcasts we believe the purpose of adding podcasting to your marketing strategy is simple; To build a connection with customers, staff and suppliers. They need to engage with you, and that’s why you are giving them lots of content to engage with. Traditional broadcast lives and dies by how many people are listening. Podcasting can create a deeper relationship with your target audience without the demand of a massive listening base.


A podcast strategy contributes to brand growth

89% higher awareness

  • 57% higher branded consideration

  • 24% higher brand favorability

  • 14% higher purchase intent

Over 60% of podcast listeners

  • Ignore TV commercials

  • Ignore digital ads

  • Ignore billboards and

  • Ignore radio commercials

*Global Podcasts Statistics 2021

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The depth of connection a brand can build with an audience through podcasting is unparalleled

Unlike traditional broadcasting, in podcasting, the total number of listeners is not the only driving metric and not always as important as the total engagement a listener has with your content. 

The person who liked and shared your four 30-second promo pieces about the show are just as important as the person who spent 40 minutes listening. How can brands achieve the long-term benefits of having a podcast, now that listeners are all ears? Perspectives from audio creative specialist Paulo Dias (Financial Mail), who saw the pod boom coming.


Podcasting in 2023


Podcasters are the new social influencers