
Everything Podcasts articles and research

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Why should brands consider podcasting?

At Everything Podcasts we believe the purpose of adding podcasting to your marketing strategy is simple; To build a connection with customers, staff and suppliers. They need to engage with you, and that’s why you are giving them lots of content to engage with.

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Podcasters are the New Influencers in Town

The justified condemnation of the toxic effect of social media has gripped us all and our outrage has been further fueled by the recent news that Facebook and Instagram were aware of the debilitating effects of their respective platforms causing everything from teenage body dysmorphia to political discourse.

Brands are understandably re-evaluating their media strategies and social partnerships. For advertisers looking for new options and significant alternatives, podcasting can fill the void.

Move over social media, podcasters are the new influencers in town!

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Podcast demographics and reach

What are the demographics and reach of today’s podcasts? The research is extremely compelling (the percentages are similar in Canada)

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Prep and Planning Your Podcast Content

The most fundamental challenge we face in the “attention economy”: how do you capture people’s attention? How do you override the natural tendency for your audience’s mind to skip away from whatever you are telling them or showing them? By telling stories.

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