U.S. Podcast Listeners
55% (155 million) of the US population has listened to a podcast in the last month.
36% of men
29% of women
Canadian Listeners
43% of the Canadian population have listened to a podcast in the last month.
60% of men
40% of women
A podcast strategy helps you stand out
Reach your audience
Podcasting is an exciting new frontier that has the power to elevate brand awareness. Podcasting offers a unique way for brands to tell stories, inspire, connect with and grow their audience (Facebook’s podcast, Three and a Half Degrees: The Power of Connection is exploring connections that can bring us closer and create business opportunities).
Facebook, Microsoft and Slack are just a few companies that produce engaging podcasts designed to educate and entertain their audience and ultimately enhance their own brand image.
Podcast listeners are more likely to follow companies and brands on social media. Podcast listeners are more likely to subscribe to Netflix or Amazon Prime (meaning they are less likely to be exposed to TV advertising). Podcast listeners are more likely to own a smart speaker (Amazon Alexa or Google Home).
Discover more about how Everything Podcasts can create a podcast for your brand.
Podcast awareness
Looking at podcast consumer research, along with the Infinite Dial Studies by Edison Research and Triton Digital in the US, Canada, and Australia, there are strong growth patterns, as well as regional variations, as podcasting continues to become more mainstream. In 2023 Forty-three percent of Canadians 18+ listen to podcasts monthly which means that Canadians now outpace Americans (38%) and Australians (40%) for monthly podcast listening.
Canada has some of the highest % of monthly podcast listeners compared to other large countries. (Edison Research)
Canada (43%)
United States (38%)
Australia (40%)
Germany (16%)
People are listening!
The most fundamental challenge faced by today’s media in the “attention economy” is, how do you capture people’s attention? With a podcast. 93% of Podcast listeners listen to all or most of each episode! More than 7 million Canadian adults (26% of the 18+ population) listen to podcasts at least once a month. (*Edison Research
Here are a few brand-driven podcasts
From Trader Joe’s and Sephora, to Facebook, Netflix, and G.E., a wide range of industry tiers and companies benefit from podcasting.
Podcasting is Netflix for your ears
Podcasts are the ear-catching attention-getter organizations are creating to keep their audience focused and engaged in a relationship with the brand. A recent IAB survey found that podcasts outperformed TV ads by 22% on measures of engagement, emotional intensity and memory encoding. As a result, branded podcasts contribute to brand growth in a number of ways:
89% higher awareness
57% higher branded consideration
24% higher brand favorability
14% higher purchase intent