
Everything Podcasts articles and research

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TV and Movie Podcast Strategy

The entertainment industry has long been a dominant player in the world of media and storytelling, with television and film providing some of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. However, in recent years, the industry has started to experiment with a new platform for content creation: podcasting.

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How we launch and promote your podcast

Podcasting has become a significant platform for brands to connect with their audience and drive engagement. With the rise in popularity of podcasting, it has become increasingly essential to understand the analytics of podcasting metrics and how to best promote your podcast to drive listenership.

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Why podcasting is a brand’s go-to platform

Podcasting has become one of the go-to platforms for advertisers and brands to engage their audience with compelling content. According to Triton Digital, the number of people listening to podcasts has grown by 16% in the past year alone. This rise in listenership is a testament to the effectiveness of podcasting as a marketing tool for businesses to connect with their target audience.

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Why brands are choosing podcasting

Podcasting has come a long way since its inception in 2004. This year it is clear that it has become a mainstream media platform with significant growth potential. According to Triton Digital's 2022 report, the global podcasting industry is expected to surpass $1 billion in revenue by end of 2023, with the US and Canada being major contributors to this growth.

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What people do when listening to a podcast

Unlike traditional media like TV and movies, podcast listening does not require viewers to use their hands or eyes, allowing listeners to enjoy shows while engaged in other activities.

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Why should brands consider podcasting?

At Everything Podcasts we believe the purpose of adding podcasting to your marketing strategy is simple; To build a connection with customers, staff and suppliers. They need to engage with you, and that’s why you are giving them lots of content to engage with.

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