Podcasts reach a coveted audience

Monthly Podcast listeners in Canada.png

By Cliff Dumas

Many of the podcasts we make at Everything Podcasts are evergreen by design. We create content for your brand that will be relevant and valuable today, next month and next year.

Why? An investment in high-quality audio means evergreen episodes can continue to pay download dividends well into the future. The impact podcasts are having on our content choices is substantial and the audience is growing exponentially. Podcasts connect with a targeted audience not reached by traditional media. According to research conducted by podcasthosting.org:

Podcast Advertising Stats

81% of podcast listeners pay attention to podcast ads
63% say they sometimes or always ignore TV commercials
66% sometimes or always ignore digital ads
61% sometimes or always ignore billboards
59% sometimes or always ignore radio commercials

Learn more about what Everything Podcasts can provide for your podcast creation, strategy, production and distribution.


Brand Podcasts


How important is a Podcasting strategy for brands?