Everything Podcasts articles and research
Why brands are choosing podcasting
Podcasting has come a long way since its inception in 2004. This year it is clear that it has become a mainstream media platform with significant growth potential. According to Triton Digital's 2022 report, the global podcasting industry is expected to surpass $1 billion in revenue by end of 2023, with the US and Canada being major contributors to this growth.
Podcast Audience is Diverse
There has been a significant increase in the percentage of Americans 12+ who have at least tried a podcast at some point in their lives: That’s 177 million Americans 12+ — by comparison, that is roughly the number of Americans that used Facebook last year, according to Infinite Dial projections.
Everything Podcasts Ltd. Announces Partial Acquisition by Pattison Media
Everything Podcasts Ltd. is pleased to announce its partial acquisition by Pattison Media, Canada’s leading multi-platform media company. This deal brings Everything Podcasts’ custom podcast expertise into Pattison Media’s expanding digital stable in a dynamic partnership that promises significant and exciting opportunities for both companies.
Meet the Podcast Super Listener
We already know that podcast advertising works — more so than advertising through any other digital medium. According to a survey Audioboom conducted with Edison Research, a majority of podcast listeners are likely or very likely to further investigate a company they hear about on a podcast, and a large percent have bought a product or service they heard about through a show.