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Meet the Podcast Super Listener

What We Learned in 2020

We already know that podcast advertising works — more so than advertising through any other digital medium. According to a survey Audioboom conducted with Edison Research, a majority of podcast listeners are likely or very likely to further investigate a company they hear about on a podcast, and a large percent have bought a product or service they heard about through a show.

According to the latest Super Listeners Study, podcast “Super Listeners,” Americans 18+ who listen to five or more hours of podcasts weekly, see podcasts as the best way to reach them despite a perceived increase in ads. Edison Research, the global authority in audio research, along with Ad Results Media, an audio industry leader in branded personality-driven advertising, and PodcastOne, a subsidiary of LiveXLive (NASDAQ: LIVX), the leading podcast network, announced today the results of the second-annual study on podcasting’s “Super Listeners.”

The study found that advertising on a podcast is the best way for a brand to reach Super Listeners. Almost half, 49 percent, of podcast Super Listeners agree that “Advertising on a podcast is the best way for a brand to reach you.” This finding was up from 37 percent in 2019.

“Podcasts now reach over 100 million Americans every month,” said Tom Webster, SVP of Edison Research, “and are attracting an increasingly diverse audience. Also, with 62% of Americans now saying they have used some kind of voice assistance technology, audio is becoming a bigger part of our everyday lives.”

In addition, the Infinite Dial® also found that 62% of those in the U.S. age 12+ use voice-operated assistants, and 45% of those in the U.S. age 12+ have listened to audio in a car through a cell phone. This year’s study also continues the legacy of measuring developing technologies, with the finding that 18% of Americans age 18+ own a car with an in-dash information and entertainment system.  

The Take-Away?

Listeners are consuming more podcast content than ever before. In last year’s survey, Listeners reported consuming an average of 9.8 hours of podcasts per week, this year the average increased to 10.5 hours per week.

Why should you consider a podcast as part of your brand strategy? Podcasting has emerged as the fastest-growing way for brands to reach their audience with relevant and engaging content. According to the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) all other media is on the decline! Podcasts out-performed TV ads by 22% on measures of engagement, emotional intensity, and memory encoding.

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